High Performing Teams

Coaching senior leaders & teams to effect the change & results they desire

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Be A More Effective Leader

High Performing Leader

As a leader you face unique challenges & pressures. Coaching can support you & enhance your leadership skills to navigate the leadership path more effectively.

Coaching focuses on:

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness. Leaders often operate in a high pressure environment, which can make it challenging to recognise their leadership style. Coaching helps leaders gain greater self-awareness, identify blind spots & become more mindful of how they lead others. 
  • Improved Decision-Making. All decisions have consequences. Coaching provides a sounding board to explore different perspectives, weigh different options & challenge assumptions & beliefs. 
  • Consistent Influence. Communication is a critical skill for leaders to build trust & credibility with the team & stakeholders. Coaching improves these skills by teaching how to deliver effective messages, listen actively & respond appropriately.
  • Enhanced Leadership Presence. Leaders often need to establish a strong leadership presence to inspire their team & be more effective in leading change. Coaching helps draw out a leaders strengths to develop their presence.
  • Increased Resilience. Leaders face significant pressure & stress in their roles. Coaching can help them develop resilience, embrace uncertainty & navigate challenging situations, so they can improve focus & performance during a change or crisis & better support their team through the storms.

High Performance Programs

High Performing Leader

Be the Leader you want to be

Achieve clarity, focus & momentum.

Design a strategy to enable & achieve high levels of personal, team & organisational results.

Define your style to enable desired levels of impact and influence.

Aquire the High Performance Leaders tool kit.

Inspire purpose and impact in all your interactions at all levels.

Plan to design and execute strong strategic planning

Get next level ready.

Discover fulfilment, passion and growth in leading

High Performing Teams

Lead a world class team

Take your results and team to the next level.

Design and craft your success strategies.

Increase efficiency, collaboration and engagement.

Develop & Establish Clarity, Focus, Momentum & Effectiveness

Achieve a climate of collaboration, trust and openness.

Inspire stakeholder engagement & commitment. 

Deliver outstanding service

Design and craft your High Performing Team Playbook

Hi, I’m Anne-Marie

Over my 20+ years experience of supporting leaders and their teams I have learned that the majority of people want to do a great job and it is not the will that is lacking.

More often it is unintended lack of absolute clarity and focus. There is an essential need to achieve absolute certainty of knowing everyone is heading in the same direction and that you are in it together, you are absolutely on the same page not just hoping you are. The challenge is often how to achieve this certainty quickly and to the right degree.

I help leaders and teams to become crystal clear and laser focused on their outcome. To know how to be certain of who’s doing what and why. To have really clear and practical strategies to be able to achieve in good times and more importantly when things get tough and don’t go fully to plan.

What Clients Say

I highly recommend Anne-Marie, her coaching style is thoughtful, challenging and enabling. 

Her extensive understanding of organisational behaviour makes her an ideal coach for leaders and their teams. 

I have witnessed incredible people transformation and growth. ROI isn’t even a question it’s a given.

Jane Pound

People Director

I absolutely encourage all leaders to undertake this programme, it helped me immensely. I learned to understand my emotional responses to a range of situations. Developed my influencing style and most importantly my impact.

The High Performing Leaders coaching Program I undertook helped me to recognise and enhance empowering behaviours and reduce disempowering ones. 

I have literally managed to take myself to another level achieving a significant promotion. 

Wayne Nippard

Strategic Asset Director

The results of the programme surpassed expectation… I have taken on a greater more complex role, the team have all grown and embraced more complex and challenging work expanding their roles and impact.

My individual and team coaching has resulted in improved leadership effectiveness, strong team collaboration engagement and a collective mindset of success.

I believe if leaders across the board had the tools I’ve acquired and am still developing, the sky’s the limit for what could be achieved

Miranda Stostebury

Deputy Director